Lineage Statement |
The boundary of entries on the Heritage Register will in most instances follow the Cadastral boundaries, it is therefore suggested that the LIST Cadastral Parcels layer is also loaded when using this dataset. A point on this dataset represents a cadastral parcel containing an entry on the Heritage Register, some registrations may extent beyond one cadastral parcel, likewise more than one registration may be located on a single Cadastral parcel. |
Lineage Description |
Position Accuracy:
The majority of points are located in the centre of the cadastral parcel containing an entry on the Heritage Register. Where possible the GDA coordinates of the item of interest (ie. building, bridge) have been used, the displayed point will therefore be located on the feature.
Attribute Accuracy:
The attributes of Name, THR_ID and Status have been extracted directly from the Tasmanian Heritage Register and are considered accurate. The CPR Number attribute is derived from the Heritage Management System and is updated as new boundary plans are entered in the register. The attributes of CPR_Number, Address, PID, Title and Folio have been extracted from the Heritage Management System as identifiers for the corresponding cadastral parcel. The maintenance of this data is part of an ongoing process to upgrade the location information stored in the HMS.
Logical Consistency:
Approximately 3000 records on the Tasmanian Heritage Register were migrated from the previously existing National Trust Register in 1997. As this data was not produced by the present custodian, Heritage Tasmania is unable to confirm the original attribute accuracy. However HT have conducted review processes to maintain the accuracy of location information contained in this dataset. Previous data comparisons between the Tasmanian Heritage Register and cadastral information in the LIST confirmed a >90% accuracy of data.
The Tasmanian Heritage Register LIST layer represents a complete listing of Permanent and Provisional entries on the register currently maintained by the Tasmanian Heritage Council, as per the Historic Cultural Heritage Act 1995.
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