Abstract |
TASVEG is a Tasmania-wide vegetation map produced by the Tasmanian Vegetation Mapping and Monitoring Program (TVMMP). The vegetation map comprises 147 distinct vegetation communities contributing to TASVEG at a scale of 1:25,000. A further 11 mapping units complete the coverage of the state to include modified and predominantly unvegetated landscapes. The TASVEG mapping builds on and incorporates the Regional Forest Agreement (RFA) mapping of forest vegetation communities, originally mapped at 1:100,000 scale, as well as the World Heritage Area (WHA) mapping that was carried out at 1:25,000 scale. TASVEG is continually revised and updated at a scale of 1:25,000. Included in the dataset is a vegetation map of Macquarie Island that comprises 9 mapping units (incorporating 7 distinct vegetation communities), bringing the total TASVEG mapping units to 165, with 154 distinct vegetation communities mapped. The Macquarie Island data was provided by The Australian Antarctic Division Data Centre. |
Lineage Statement |
Aerial photographic interpretation (PI) is the primary data collection method with field verification of representative polygons accounting for approximately one quarter to one fifth of vegetation mapping time. Generally 1:25,000 and 1:20,000 scale aerial photos are preferred for photo-interpretation, but where unavailable, 1:42,000 scale imagery is substituted. The most recent photographs are used where possible. High resolution satellite imagery may be used, where available, for capture and interpretation of features. Digital vegetation layers from TASMAP 1:25,000 series as well as geology maps, various vegetation and ecology texts and maps containing species information assist the aerial PI. Mapping techniques have varied during the life of the project. In the initial stages aerial photographic line-work was drawn on paper maps and digitised by hand. Aerial photographs and PI line-work are now scanned and ortho-rectified. The PI line work is vectorised to form a digital vegetation layer. The vectorised PI layer is then intergrated with RFA Forest Vegetation Communities mapping (ANZLIC ID: ANZCW0501001238) as well as WHA vegetation mapping (ANZLIC ID: ANZTA0015000015) where this is available. The resulting polygons are attributed with vegetation community code, reliability indicators and disturbance variables. |