Abstract |
Latitude and longitude, UTM coordinates and height of survey control marks. From LIST the latitude and longitude / UTM coordinates are available in the Geocentric Datum of Australia 2020 (GDA2020) and the Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 (GDA94). Coordinates in Australian Geodetic Datum 1966 (AGD66) are available from the custodian. Coordinates on all datums are not available for every mark. Height information is expressed relative to a number of datums. The quality of control mark coordinate information is expressed in terms of Positional Uncertainty for GDA2020 coordinates and Class and Order for GDA94, AGD66 and height datum coordinates. Attribute information may include the mark type, date established, access type and comments on condition. An abbreviated description of any visible target is included. Mark status indicates if control mark has been reported not found, or is destroyed but the reference marks still exist. |