Abstract |
Geomorphic descriptions of the shoreline type around Tasmania's coast, together with an indicative ('first pass') assessment of the vulnerability of each coastal segment to erosion and recession due to sea level rise. Coastal segments with minimal vulnerability are also noted. Study reference: Sharples (2006) "Indicative Mapping of Tasmanian Coastal Vulnerability to Climate Change and Sea Level Rise, 2nd edition", DPIW, Tasmania, available from www.dpipwe.tas.gov.au/conservation/climate-change. |
Lineage Description |
Position Accuracy:
Derived from Tasmanian Shoreline Geomorphic Types data which says 'For the base data, any well defined point is within 17.5 metres of its true geographic position. The segment start and finish locations are therefore within approximately 25 metres of their true geographic position'.
Attribute Accuracy:
Geomorphic attribute accuracy is estimated in the Tasmanian Shoreline Geomorphic Types version 4 map to be 95 percent. Accuracy of the vulnerability attribute for those areas classed with a vulnerability level are of a similar level of accuracy.
Logical Consistency:
All data is checked for duplicate features and coincident features by both visual and automated means.
84% of the total length of Tasmanian coastline has been categorised with a vulnerability class.
Vulnerability assessment undertaken as part of the Climate Change Project, run by DPIW, to bring together existing information about coastal geomorphology and sea-level rise to assist planning and management of the coastal zone. |