Abstract |
A survey of the east Tasmanian coastline from Musselroe Bay to South East Cape revealed a total of 10 km2 of Macrocystis pyrifera (Linnaeus) C. Agardh 1820 kelp forest. Average harvestable quantities based on Alginates (Australia) Company records (1965-72) show that cropping can expect to yield 5 ton/acre or 1.23 kg/m2. This realizes a total of 12,300 tonne available on the East Coast of Tasmania in 1986. Review of past records show fluctuations in total amounts harvested, due possibly to factors such as high oceanic water temperatures with subsequent low nutrient concentrations and storm damage.
The survey was conducted from a light aeroplane. Areas of Macrocystis pyrifera beds were marked on 1:100,000 topographical land tenure maps using landmarks as references. Digitising of bed outlines on maps was done using Mapinfo.
Weight of Macrocystis per unit area is also estimated from quadrats harvested at a number of sites along the coast. |
Lineage Description |
Position Accuracy:
There is most inaccuracy in the width of the beds, this is probably +/- 20%. Length of the beds along the coasts is accurate to within +/-5%.
Macrocystis present on the surface of the ocean is assumed to reflect overall quantities of the alga and distribution. Some areas may have been overlooked where the alga did not reach the surface due to tides or plants in poor condition etc.
Attribute Accuracy:
Accuracy of weight of Macrocystis per unit area is liekly to be +/- 25 %.
Logical Consistency:
Complete for the east coast of Tasmania in 1986. No estimate of the areas that were not likely to have been detected from the aeroplane.as fronds were below the water surface.
Complete for the east coast of Tasmania in 1986. No estimate of the areas that were not likely to have been detected from the aeroplane.as fronds were below the water surface
Sanderson JC 1987 A Survey of the Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C. Agardh Stocks on the East Coast of Tasmania. Dept. Sea Fish. Tech. Rep. 21, 11 pp. |