Abstract |
LIST Authority Land is a subset of the LIST Cadastral Parcels layer. It portrays parcels of land owned, vested or managed by a Commonwealth, State or Local Government Authority or GBE. Categories include Housing Tasmania, Hydro Tasmania, Councils, Education, Forestry Tasmania, TAS Water, Defense etc. Authority Land attributes are the same as for LIST Cadastral parcels and include the authority name, title reference and property identifier (PID). |
Lineage Statement |
Cadastral information was initially derived from the Tasmanian 1:5,000 and 1:25,000 map series, however significant updating has been undertaken to complete and upgrade the map derived data. The Authority Land subset has been derived from the LIST Cadastral parcels dataset which delivers Private Parcels, Authority Land and Casements as the State's authoritative Digital spatial cadastral information.
Authority Land is extracted from those Cadastral Parcels having the CAD_TYPE1 classification of Authority Land. The Authority Land Classification has been obtained from a number of sources including the Title Owner Name, Property Owner Name and in the case of reserved land, The administering authority.
A weekly process is undertaken to identify changes in title ownership resulting in a change to the Authority. Other changes are implemented upon the transfer or reserving of Crown Land. |
Lineage Description |
Position Accuracy:
Can be obtained from the feature Metadata Pointer (FMP) for the Boundary Segments that the Cadastral Area is comprised of. Generally over 40% of well defined boundaries will be within 1 metre of surveyed position.
Attribute Accuracy:
It is estimated that not less that 99% of all attributes are correct.
Logical Consistency:
All Cadastral Areas are regions and are attributed with a cid, cad_type1, cad_type2, ufi, fmp and created_on_date.
The LIST Authority Land is complete for the State of Tasmania (Excluding Macquarie Island). Authority classifications are updated on a weekly basis. |